


Assetbot: A small, generic, extensible hot-reloader written in Python that can be customised to suit project-specific needs and development-time automation for convenience.


Burlough: Yet another static blog generator written in Go that converts markdown files into HTML pages. Supports creation and usage of custom templates (HTML, CSS and assets).

Powers this website!

JsonCrunch: A Web UI for viewing, editing, filtering JSON documents. Still in active development but usable. Will eventually support Schema-based editing, display format changing and so on.

BoltzmannTex: A program for performing predefined transformations and visualisations on acquired data using simple Graphical User Intefaces. Mainly meant for implementation of convenient calculation interfaces for well understood scientific problems.


FLIF Codec for FFmpeg: I had written an implementation of a FLIF codec as a GSoC 2020 Project for FFmpeg along with one other person. A completed, working decoder and format reader was finished within the project period.

Ongoing Stuff:

BlindForth: A C++ implementation of the Forth Language being done with a very vague idea of what Forth actually is.

Dotland: More info later.

A Haskell Guide: An unfinished guide on Haskell that I wrote as I was learning it. Will get back to it soon™.

Recent Blogposts:

Starting a Blog: I'm starting a blog.
Interfaces in Go: A short description and walkthrough of interfaces in Go.
